Sitemap - 2024 - Davi Gray's Writing News
I'm back, baby! Right on time for 2025.
Poem published: Water~Stone Review v.27
some upcoming events. if you even care.
If You Stare Too Long at the Sun You Will See the Dark
Time Happens Some More. WTF? August, September.
July, August, whatever. Updates: I'm a winner! Also, Poetry magazine finally fixed me.
Summer Sound Garden (with a Davi Gray poem)
June, 2024. It's happening. Happened? Tense is a problem.
Reading at Boneshaker Books this Saturday, June 1st, 3pm - Jennifer Whalen's "Eveningful"
Art-A-Whirl: Performance of "This Body, This Fruit"
Poem in Hayden's Ferry Review Issue 74
For May wol have no slogardie a-night. (Chaucer, early memer of some repute)
Poem published in #EnbyLife: "They Never Expected This to Happen"
Oh, a Re-Verb now and then, etc.
I almost don't even want to. If you've been paying attention, I'm sure you understand.
The Shortest Month Is Usually Cold, But Anyway Here's Where You Can Find Me
I'm Spending Valentine's Day at Milkweed Books (with you?)
New Year, New Things, New...o damn, no, not that again... OPEN MICS EVERYWHERE