Poem published in #EnbyLife: "They Never Expected This to Happen"
I hope your day is lovely, your night as much or more so. You deserve it.
I am thrilled to say I’ve got a poem published in #EnbyLife, an excellent online journal for non-binary & gender diverse creatives. It’s actually one of my (secret) favorites, though it’s hard for me to admit I have favorite poems—I’m always worried the others will feel hurt. It’s called “They Never Expected This to Happen.” I’m amazed at how lovely the photograph they placed with it is, and how perfectly it matches the poem!

In other news, you can now support me on Ko-Fi, if you like. Or subscribe to a paying plan here on Substack, of course, that’s always an option. Not saying you have to! But also not saying you can’t! 😊
There will be more writing news later. There’s a lot going on. This is all for today, though.