I almost don't even want to. If you've been paying attention, I'm sure you understand.
"I Learned My Love for the Beatles" -- NonBinary Review, Issue #35: Old Friends.
Hey, it’s Davi Gray’s Writing News. I can’t let my feelings stand in the way. Feelings don’t matter! (In case you’re not in the habit of following links, allow me to clarify: irony. That’s totally irony.)

Seriously, though. “I Learned My Love for the Beatles” is based on real life, and it’s a really good poem (I think), and it’s in Issue #35: Old Friends of NonBinary Review, which is a really cool publication (I think), and I’m very proud to have my work chosen for publication there. I hope you choose to experience the poem—you can buy the digital issue online at NBR’s website, or you can purchase paper copies at Amazon. And/or, you may be able to hear it at one of my local readings. Because you never know what’s going to happen around here!
Oh, and, and, you can read an interview with me on that very same page! If you care! You can totally go there and read the interview for free!
In case you’re wondering, yes, there will be a March edition of Writing News soon. Very Soon Now. Very Exciting News.
April is an even more thrilling month. But some of that exciting news will arrive much sooner than April 1st. Here’s a hot Save the Date tip: 7 pm on Tuesday, April 2nd. It’s big, it’s exciting, it’s worth the wait.
You’re going to want to be there, if you can possibly make it.
I guarantee* it.

*Not guaranteed.
But if you like poetry.
Oh my.
You will want to be there.