December - Salons, Open Mics, Slams, Reindeer (no actual reindeer)
My readings schedule for the rest of the year, more or less...
This is it! The end of 2023 approacheth! Only one more of TruArtSpeaks’ Re-Verb joints this year, on December 14th; featured artist is Lady TCB. I plan to show up.
Before that, though, some more stuff happening:
This weekend, at Mixed Blood Theatre, there will be Trans Voices Cabaret! I’m going to the Monday showing. Not participating; just hugely enjoying, I predict.
Saturday, December 11th, I’ll be at Sublime Selections - A December Salon: a small gathering of enthusiasts in South Minneapolis. Much music (by others) and a couple sets of poetry (by me!) will be enjoyed. Text me if you want an invite.
Tuesday, December 12th, the Radical Joy Open Mic will be happening at Lutunji’s Palate (southeast end of downtown Minneapolis). I hope to be there, though I’ll be a few minutes late.
Wednesday, December 13th, there are two things, both of which I’d like to attend—the BuckSlam December Poetry Slam, at Boneshaker Books, in South Minneapolis, and Poets & Pints (#103), at Sisyphus Brewing, downtown Minneapolis.
What to do, what to do. If I were a betting human, I’d lay money on me being at BuckSlam. But I don’t think there are open mic attendance bookies (if I’m wrong…HMU?).

To be fair, betting on my own actions would probably lead to corruption, as when congresspeople invest in stocks for industries they regulate. Unlike many congresspeople, I would therefore recuse myself from such activities. (There has been legislation proposed to curb such nefarious activities—nefarity? That a word? Is now.)
So…see you around?